Hi, I'm Prairie
My deepest passion is caring for my new mothers and seeing women thrive. When I became a new mother, I needed so much care that I wasn’t able to ask for and wasn’t able to receive. It was a lack of knowledge, both intellectually and somatically.
I didn't know how to rest, I wasn't able to eat properly, and I didn't know how to ask for help. I crashed. I lived with unidentified postpartum depression and my immune system tanked.
The more I shared my story with other women, the more I heard it echoed back to me. It was clear to me that there was a deep lack of understanding around supporting women and their families during this incredibly vulnerable time.
That first birth was traumatic on my pelvic floor and my emotional landscape. Months of pelvic floor physical therapy wasn't alleviating my urinary incontinence and I was feeling less capable, less joyful, and less interested in sex as time went on.
I finally found relief from a practitioner who was both a Sexological Bodyworker and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She used mindful touch intravaginally to allow the tissues of my body to tell their story, release, and find more optimal positioning.
By combining INNATE postpartum care, Sexological Bodywork, and Somatic Experiencing, I bring a unique set of skills to help newborn mothers find health emotionally and physically. I am equipped to help your body recover from scarring and pelvic floor stress so that it may function more optimally.
I believe in your innate power. By listening deeply to your body- it's boundaries, its no's, its maybes, its yeses- by slowing down and feeling into the pauses, we can work together to release stored emotion, find relief from pain, and re-discover the foundation of your creativity and confidence.
I believe in your ability to heal. I believe that intimacy and connection are possible and vital during the postpartum time.